So this morning I posted this – as we have a new head badge.
And this guy Brydon replied to me…
Which was very nice of him.
Then I got another tweet from someone. Which was a bit odd.
It took me a while to work that one out. I checked out “abjackson1” to see who he was…
Had he really joined twitter just to ask that? And…
It took a while to work out what was going on.
And then I realised… So I retweeted the initial tweet…
And @bazzargh, who must follow @brydoncheyney and me, got in touch..
And Brydon came back.
I did ask about the leak…
But it transpires, it’s not fixed yet…
Fascinated to see how this plays out. Well. Vaguely interested eh?
Posted via email from shedfire’s dumping ground
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