Dear Mr Him,
mate you are a sweet nutter.
Commendations on a lovely bike design.
Is this the beast that you struggled with as a ‘total design package”??
It shows, as I swear your hair is shorter at the end of this promo vid??
Keep up the brill ideas man…..!!!!
ps. I have a great Afro wig you can borrow.
dave 8:51 am on September 10, 2010 | #
That *is* a lovely bike that.
Peter 9:02 am on September 10, 2010 | #
Dear Mr Him,
mate you are a sweet nutter.
Commendations on a lovely bike design.
Is this the beast that you struggled with as a ‘total design package”??
It shows, as I swear your hair is shorter at the end of this promo vid??
Keep up the brill ideas man…..!!!!
ps. I have a great Afro wig you can borrow.
Peter MacDonald