• Silly comments

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    Date: 28 December 2009 23:05:11 GMT
    Subject: Silly comments

    A little rant – why do you have (IMO) a silly comment on the bottom of your web page, not all over weight kids are that way because they eat cake. I find it offensive and have chosen not to buy a blue pig frame because of it.  Don’t wish to be nasty towards your company as I’m sure it’s meant as a harmless comment, however it is offensive and I’m sure you could come up with something genuinely funny if you tried.

    Delete and continue with your day.


    Posted via email from shedfire’s dumping ground

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    6:46 am on December 29, 2009 | 2 Comments | # |


  • Paul 7:49 am on December 29, 2009 | #

    Owww I just _love_ cake, nice bit o’ cake

  • Steve 6:47 pm on January 6, 2010 | #

    I wholeheartedly agree with the email, not all overweight kids eat too much cake. Some eat too much MacDonalds, too much chocolate…

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